Low sperm count is when the fluid, also known as semen, is ejaculated during physical intimacy and contains less sperm than normal ejaculation. Oligospermia is another name for people suffering from a low sperm count. Low sperm count is when you have less than 15 million sperm per milligram count of sperm. A low sperm count decreases the chance that one of your sperm will fertilise the other person’s egg, resulting in your pregnancy.
Symptoms of Low Sperm Count
Failure to get pregnant is among the most common signs of a low sperm count. Some men may experience symptoms that are due to many fundamental problems out of a few are listed below:
- Inherited chromosomal abnormality
- Hormonal imbalance
- Dilated testicular veins
- A condition that prevents sperm from passing thoroughly into the female reproductive organs.
Low sperm count symptoms may include issues with sexual functioning, such as
- Low testosterone levels or difficulty maintaining an erection, also known as erectile dysfunction.
- Pain, swelling, or problems in the testicle area
- Decreased facial or body hair
Causes of Low Sperm Count
Sperm production is a complex process involving the normal functioning of the testicles, pituitary and hypothalamus glands, which are the organs in the brain that produce hormones that stimulate sperm production. A variety of medical conditions and treatments can cause low sperm count, out of which some are mentioned below:
- A varicocele is an inflammation in the veins that drain the testicles. It is the most common cause of infertility in men.
- Certain infections may damage the production of sperm or sperm health, or they can cause infection that stops sperm development.
- This condition occurs when semen enters the bladder during sexual activity instead of emerging from the base of the penis.
- Anti-sperm antibodies are cells of the immune system that incorrectly recognise testosterone as harmful germs and try to destroy them at all times.
- Cancers and tumours can affect male reproductive organs directly through glands that release reproduction hormones, such as the pituitary gland, or through unidentified causes.
- During fetal growth, one or both testicles might not descend from the lower abdomen into the sac that normally houses them (the scrotum).
- The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testicles all produce hormonal substances required for sperm production.
- Sperm flows through many different tubes. They can be blocked for various reasons, including injury from surgery, previous infections, trauma, or abnormal growth.
- Inherited disorders, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, in which a male is born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome instead of one X and one Y, cause abnormal growth in male reproductive organs.
- Celiac disease is a digestive problem caused by gluten sensitivity that can lead to male infertility. Adjusting to a gluten-free diet may improve fertility.
- Testosterone replacement therapy, long-term anabolic steroid use, cancer medications (chemotherapy), specific antifungal and antibiotic drugs.
- Certain surgeries could stop you from having sperm in your ejaculation, such as a vasectomy, inguinal hernia repairs, scrotal or testicular operations, prostate surgeries, and large abdominal surgeries.
Treatment of Low Sperm Count
Infection disease treatment
Antibiotics may treat an infection of the reproductive tract, but they do not always restore fertility.
Treatments for sexual intercourse disorders
Medication or guidance can help improve fertility in cases of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
Treatments with hormones and medications
In cases where infertility is caused by high or low levels of particular hormones or problems with how the human body uses hormones, your doctor may recommend hormone replacement therapies or medications.
Why Choose Embryologist?
Ram Prakash, the Renowned Embryologist, is the very first name that comes to mind as you think of Sperm Freezing In Delhi. With more than a decade of experience, we understand how to care for your eggs, freeze them, and use them later to get pregnant when the time comes.
Dr Ram Prakash is responsible for the Sperm Freezing during the current IVF procedure. Any good-quality embryos that aren’t transferred are identified and preserved for future use. So, if you attempt to conceive later, Ram Prakash will assist you by providing freeze-dried embryos.